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Image by Autumn Goodman




customized Signature Facial $110


It's a 60 minute facial customized for your skin type and skincare concerns. 

Only using the best professional skincare lines to promote new cell turnover, hydration for the Colorado climate and

glow you deserve. 


 Red LED light therapy works by emitting infrared lights, causing heat, in different wavelengths/spectrums to

stimulate collagen and elastin. 



Signature Facial with extractions  $135


The perfect facial for troubled skin! If you struggle with hormonal acne, Maskne, teenage acne or just plan out congested skin then this 80 minute facial is for you. Natural and Calming products will be used to help reduce redness and inflammation.


Blue/Green LED light therapy

helps to kill bacteria under the skin by sending specific wavelengths to stimulate the production of oxygen radicals that then kill acne bacteria, all without damaging the skin!




Mini Signature Facial  $40

Express facial; 30 minutes

 Double cleanse, exfoliate, mask, hydrate and protect.

Perfect for a lunch break treat!



Dermaplane Facial  $60

45 minutes

Double cleanse dermaplane, mask, hydrate and protect.


A noninvasive, painless procedure in which surface dead skin cells are manually shaved away using a scalpel; which increases cellular turnover while smooth and softening of the skin allows for better penetration of products. It also removes unwanted peach fuzz!








a.k.a Hydra facial


75 minutes

Double cleanse, enzyme mask, hydrodermabrasion, hydration mask, radio frequency, oxygen infusion and protect 



The  perfect combination of gentle exfoliation and deep hydration in one treatment!

The latest in skincare and an alternative to microdermabrasion without the use of crystals or diamond tips to abrade the skin. Instead, it combines the natural benefits of oxygen and water to shoot a pressurized stream of saline solution onto the skin. The high velocity of this procedure effectively removes dead skin cells at first contact, exfoliating and soothing the skin at the same time.


Hydrodermabrasion hydrates, cleanses, and revitalizes skin while supporting healthy blood circulation.

Better circulation, in turn, promotes the production of collagen and elastin fibers that tighten the skin and promote 

a youthful you!


Radio frequency (RF) is a common non--invasive aesthetic procedure that uses high-frequency alternating current ti heat tissue in the dermis to increase collagen, which consequently decreases skin laxity and photoaging. 



Oxygen infusion is a protocol that infuses the skin with an all-natural anti-aging molecule: pure oxygen. This re-energizes tired cells in the skin to recover their splendor and youth. The skin appears more plump, hydrated, and regains light and clarity!


*will not be using a Hydrafacial MD machine. 

SKINCARE: Services
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